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Robinson Polytunnels Limited Pasture Barn East, Pasture Lane, Barrowford, Lancashire, BB9 6QX, United Kingdom.

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Aluminium Polytunnel Gutter ONE Side 16ft Long

Aluminium Polytunnel Gutter ONE Side 16ft Long

Collect fresh rainwater with the aluminium polytunnel gutter. Better for your plants and better for the environment.
This extruded aluminium gutter has been specifically designed for polytunnels and will fit to the side of a polytunnel, even with without a side rail. An extruded aluminium backing rail is fixed to the leg of each hoop and the gutter section fixes to the backing rail, sandwiching the polythene.
The rainwater then runs off the polythene cover into the aluminium gutter.
The polytunnel gutter can also be retro-fitted to your existing polytunnel.
