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Robinson Polytunnels Limited Pasture Barn East, Pasture Lane, Barrowford, Lancashire, BB9 6QX, United Kingdom.

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14ft X 42ft 'Tunnel - Clear Thermal 800g Polythene

14ft X 42ft 'Tunnel - Clear Thermal 800g Polythene

  • Our 14ft wide range of polytunnels use a robust 38.1mm diameter tubing for the hoops, ridge and corner struts. The steel is high tensile "Z35" grade which is galvanised and has a 1.5mm wall thickness.

  • For the foundation tubes we've made sure that strength and corrosion are definitely not a problem - The tubing used has a wall thickness of 3.25mm and is hot-dip galvanised.

  • For our 14ft wide range, the polytunnel hoops are spaced at 7ft apart for a fast build whilst maintaining superior strength.

  • As with all our polytunnels we've made sure there are no weak links and each component is designed to ultimately fulfil it's purpose.

  • Quite simply, we doubt you'll find anything stronger!


    To configure your complete kit go to 14ft x 42ft Polytunnel Kit Builder.